The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 15 Number 6

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Friday the 13th - The Most Widespread Superstition? The sixth day of the week and the number 13 both have foreboding reputations said to date from ancient times, and their inevitable conjunction from one to three times a year portends more misfortune than some credulous minds can bear. Some sources say it may be the most widespread superstition in the United States. Some people won't go to work on Friday the 13th; some won't eat in restaurants; many wouldn't think of setting a wedding on the date Click here for more.

The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Immediately review your bank statements and returned checks for forgeries. Promptly report any problems to your bank. A short delay may cost you your legal rights.  

Sprint Tells Complaining Customers Take a Hike

It may be the boldest customer service move in recent memory. Sprint customers who complain too much are being told to leave. Sprint says the move to eliminate chronic complainers, will help everyone else get better customer service. Some customers aren't too thrilled with the idea Click here for more.

Phishing Scam Uses E-Mail Greetings for Credit Card, Identity Theft

It's always nice to get a greeting card from friends, family or even co-workers , that is, as long as they're the ones who actually sent it. A new phishing scam is using e-mail greetings to retrieve personal information while people are using their computer. More and more often, people are opening their e-mail inboxes to find e-greeting cards waiting for them from a friend or colleague. All they have do is click on the link to see it. But experts say that could be dangerous.  Click here for more.

Turned Down For a Mortgage

A common nightmare keeps most first-time home buyers awake at night: What if I get turned down for my mortgage loan? While it is natural to fret about this worst-case scenario, the chances of it actually happening are quite slim given the popularity of preapproval and the myriad ways mortgage lenders can adjust loan terms to get you the loan you both want.  Click here for more.

Automatic Car Wash Tips

Automatic/drive-through car washes are more popular than ever because they save time and hassle. And in winter, they also save you from the ordeal of trying to keep your car clean in freezing weather. Automatic car washes can also be safer for your car's finish than washing your car yourself because do-it-yourselfers sometimes don't use enough water to safely remove dirt; or they wash the car in direct sunlight -- which can burn spots in the paint. Or they use the wrong type of soap -- such as dishwashing detergent, which removes protective wax and leaves a chalky residue on the finish. Or any one of several common mistakes can end up doing more harm than good.  Click here for more.

Your Money

The 529 College-Savings-Plan Estimator. Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Tax on jury awards and settlements is constitutional. The D.C. Circuit has reversed its holding that a portion of the Internal Revenue Code governing taxes on jury awards and settlements is unconstitutional. The court found that the tax is constitutional because it's imposed uniformly across the country. Click here for more.


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