The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 4 Number 11

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

If you buy a new car you have three days to change your mind, right? Wrong! Unless you have were misled, deceived, or otherwise tricked into signing the contract, once you sign you are bound. If you are not sure, don't sign. 

Top Ten Tips to Prevent a Car Accident

None of these are surefire ways to prevent a car accident. You can only control what you do behind the wheel, not what your fellow drivers do. But take responsibility when you drive and focus on the task at hand. It's not a time to return phone calls or shave or log onto your e-mail. Driving isn't a mindless activity, it's an exercise in self-restraint, self-defense and self-preservation Click here for more.

How Mounting Medical Costs are Plunging More Families into Debilitating Debt and Why Insurance Doesn't Always Keep Them Out of Bankruptcy

Health-care debts typically play a role in about half of the approximately 1.5 million bankruptcies filed in the United States each year, according to Harvard researchers Elizabeth Warren and David U. Himmelstein. And, 75 percent of those who declare medical bankruptcy have health insurance at the onset of the illness that failed to prevent them from being pushed over the financial edge, according to the Harvard research.  Click here for more.

Confessions of a Car Salesman

What really goes on in the back rooms of car dealerships across America? What does the car salesman do when he leaves you sitting in a sales office and goes to talk with his boss? What are the tricks salespeople use to increase their profit and how can consumers protect themselves from overpaying? These were the questions the editors at, wanted to answer for consumers. But how could they really know that the information was accurate and up-to-date? Finally, they came up with the idea of hiring an investigative reporter to work in the industry and experience, firsthand, the life of a car salesman.  Click here for more.

Your Money

Mortgage points adviser: Which rate/points combination is best for you?  Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Car buyers must be told about "black boxes." The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has passed a regulation requiring U.S. car makers to inform customers when their car has been equipped with a black box. Click here for more.


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