The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 143 Number 35

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Because of the Coronavirus, many people are facing financial challenges, especially paying their mortgage. If you need help, research the options available to you for getting through these tough times. These tips can help: Click here for more.

This is where all 50 states stand on reopening

More than 90% of the US population is currently under a stay-at-home or shelter-in-place order as the coronavirus pandemic continues to upend life as we know it. But worries for the economy -- and people's mental health -- are raising the question: When will things go back to normal? Here's the latest on where states stand in their plan to reopen: Click here for more.

Your Money

The Coronavirus is making more people think about the importance of life insurance to protect their families if anything happens to them – even if they're healthy now. But social distancing rules have made it difficult to follow the regular procedure for getting a policy, and companies are being more careful about insuring some people who face greater medical risks. The process, prices and rules are changing rapidly as insurers learn more about the pandemic. Here are answers to some key questions about buying life insurance now. Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Supreme Court To Hold Arguments By Teleconference. The U.S Supreme Court will hold oral arguments by teleconference next month due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, with all nine justices and counsel participating remotely in what will be a bold new experiment for an institution not known for its technical prowess. The Court postponed its original March and April oral argument sessions in recent weeks due to the danger that the coronavirus pandemic posed to large gatherings in tight quarters. On Monday, the court announced that it has rescheduled around half of the cases from both of those sessions for argument by teleconference from May 4 to May 12. The remainder of the postponed cases from the sessions "will be carried over and the arguments will be conducted early in the 2020 term," the Supreme Court told counsel in an email Monday. Click here for more.


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