The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 126 Number 14

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

The law limits how long you may be sued for a debt. In Texas most debts have a four-year limitation period. The time limit applies to the original debt as well as any subsequent debt collectors. Click here for more.

Ten Major Charities Called "Transparency Dodgers"

The Better Business Bureau released a list of 10 "Transparency Dodgers" to warn potential donors of charities that failed to disclose important financial information. The program developed by the BBB, Wise Giving Alliance, is voluntary and asks charities to answer more than 250 questions regarding finances, governance, and fundraising. According to the BBB, the 10 charities on the list are the largest in the U.S. that did not disclose any information to verify the charity's trustworthiness. Included in the list are Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Teach for America, City Year, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Click here for more.

Your Money

For every milestone in life money concerns will come up that you should plan for in advance. For example, if you are planning on getting married, figure out a money system you and your spouse will use. Will both incomes merge into a single account? Another task is to write a will. When buying a home get pre-approved for a mortgage and find a trustworthy home inspector. If you have a baby on the way one of your first priorities is to modify your health insurance. Financial planning may not be the most exciting way to celebrate a life milestone, but if will help ensure that you are prepared for any issues that come your way. Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

NLRA prohibits class action waivers. The Ninth Circuit followed the Seventh Circuit’s lead and held that an arbitration agreement with employees that included a waiver of the right to bring claims through a collective, representative, or class action violated employees’ right to engage in collective activity under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and was, therefore, unenforceable. The courts of appeal for the Second Circuit, Fifth Circuit, and Eighth Circuit previously reached opposite holdings, making this issue ripe for Supreme Court review. Morris v. Ernst & Young, LLP (9th Cir. 2016). Click here for more.


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