The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 106 Number 6

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Take advantage of the law and get a free copy of your credit report!

There are three credit bureaus. To stay current, get a free report from one of them every four months.

To get a free copy of your credit report,

 Click here for more.

Apple & Google Settle $415M Wage Lawsuit

According to a lawsuit filed in a federal court in California, Apple, Google, Intel, and Adobe allegedly formed secret agreements not to recruit each other's employees. The lawsuit further alleges that the secret agreements limited employee job mobility and artificially capped employee salaries.

Hoping to avoid potentially embarrassing litigation, the companies have agreed to pay $415 million to settle the class action lawsuit. The agreement marks the second attempt to settle the matter. Five months ago, the judge rejected a $324.5 million offer as inadequate for the more than 60,000 employees represented in the case.

 Click here for more.

How Much Snow It Takes to Cancel School

Have you ever wondered how much snow it takes to cancel school where you live? One interested person polled Reddit users and combined responses with snowfall data from NOAA to get the answer for everyone in the United States.

While southern states and the west coast of California will close school for "any snow," it takes much more than a light dusting to get out of school as you move further north. In fact, some parts require two feet or more before pulling the plug on a day of learning.

How much snow does it take to get out of school where you live?

 Click here for more.

5 Things Stopping You from Saving Money

Do you find yourself trying to save, yet instead end up just trying to make ends meet at the month?

Saving money isn't as simple as socking away a few extra bucks every month. It requires strategic financial planning, including tracking your spending, cutting back on unnecessary items, and being prepared for the unexpected.

What's stopping you from savings money?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

How long will your current life insurance proceeds last?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

FDCPA requires suit be filed in the smallest geographic area that is relevant for determining venue.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires a debt collector file suit in the “judicial district or similar entity” where the contract was signed or the debtor resides. The Seventh Circuit held that this language means the smallest geographic area that is relevant for determining venue in the court system in which the case is filed. Overruling its earlier decision, the court held that in Marion County, which has nine small claims courts, the smallest area is a township.
Click here for more.


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