The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 106 Number 4

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Always use a credit card when shopping online or by mail. Federal law allows you to refuse to pay the credit card bill if the goods are never delivered.

For more general information about the law, check out my website.

 Click here for more.

How to Lower Your Cable Bill

Do you want to lower your cable bill by as much as $120 a year?

It's as simple as owning the equipment you use to receive your cable or satellite service. Companies like Comcast charge consumers a monthly rental fee for the right to use a cable box. However, there's nothing stopping you from owning your own box.

Purchase your cable box on Amazon, eBay, or other retailer and return the one you rent to your provider. Make sure that the rental charge is removed after you return the box.

Although it may not seem like much initially, it can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run, especially if you use the box over the course of several years.

 Click here for more.

Mobile Malware Jumped 75% in 2014

Reports of mobile malware jumped 75% from 2013 to 2014. The report comes from mobile security firm Lookout and is based on a percentage of its 60 million users who were attacked (and not necessarily infected).

The biggest problem appears to be something called "Ransomware." When infected with "Ransomware," a mobile device will lock a device until a ransom is paid. Usually disguised as an Adobe Flash update, it is extremely easy for consumers to have their devices infected without knowing it.

So which devices are safer? Apple or Android?

Android apps can be downloaded anywhere on the Internet, which Apple apps are limited to the Apple Store. As a result, consumers are far less likely to have their Apple devices infected with malware.

How can you protect your mobile device?

 Click here for more.

Flu Continues to Spread as Vaccine Fails

In January, it should be no surprise that people are getting sick from the flu. However, this flu season is a little bit different from past seasons. As mentioned in a previous issue of the Consumer News Alert, doctors are concerned because the main strain of flu making people sick wasn't included in this season's vaccine.

Although the CDC says the flu vaccine hasn't been as effective, it is still encouraging people to get it. With 30% of the virus strains still well-matched, at least people will be getting some protection.

The CDC estimates 45 deaths linked to the flu so far this season. Thousands of people die every year from the flu. What can you do to protect yourself?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

What are the payments on a parental PLUS loan?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Debt collector does not have to total amounts due.

The Third Circuit held that a debt collector does not violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act by failing to total the two amounts due.

The court noted that even the least sophisticated consumer is able to perform simple addition.
Click here for more.


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