The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 101 Number 5

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

If you buy a new car you have three days to change your mind, right?


Unless you were misled, deceived, or otherwise tricked into signing the contract, once you sign you are bound. If you are not sure, don't sign.

For more general information about the law, check out my website.

 Click here for more.

What to Know About Virtual Currency

Have you heard about virtual currencies like BitCoin, XRP, and Dogecoin? Virtual currencies are becoming quite popular among consumers. Many have heard stories about how people on the front end of BitCoin made quite a chunk of money just for being in the game early. However, for as "hot" these currencies are right now, there are a number of things to keep in mind before you convert your money to the virtual variety.

First, if something goes wrong for the company holding your virtual currency (your virtual bank), you won't have the same protections that come with a traditional bank.

Second, accounting for exchange rates, virtual currencies can cost consumers more than credit cards or cash.

Third, hackers have found ways to get past sophisticated security systems to steal virtual currencies.

Finally, scammers are already cheating virtual currency enthusiast by flooding the Internet with fake opportunities.

What should you consider before joining the virtual currency market?

 Click here for more.

Feds Vote to Implement Text-to-911

On Friday, federal regulators voted to require all wireless carriers to provide text-to-911 services. The big four - AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon - already have text-to-911 capability in place. However, all other carriers must implement the service within the next year.

The thinking is simple - what if someone is in an emergency situation but can't talk or listen? Text-to-911 capability is meant to extend emergency services to people trying to make a cry for help, but simply can't make a call. It's also a major help for the hearing and speech impaired.

Once the capability is in place, not everyone will be able to take advantage of the new technology. Only 121 counties in the United States have call centers that can receive text messages. For example, California doesn't have a single county with the ability to receive emergency text messages.

How will you know if authorities receive your emergency text? Wireless carriers are required to send a text message back to you letting you know to call 911 because the call center can't accept your message.

 Click here for more.

Your Money

What are the tax advantages of an annuity?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Arbitrator rather than court determines if parties agreed to class arbitration.

A California court of appeals considered who decides the question of whether the parties to an arbitration clause impliedly agreed to class arbitration.

Noting that a majority of the Supreme Court has not spoken on this issue and that the lower courts are divided, the court found the better rule to be that the arbitrator, not a court, decides this question.
Click here for more.


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