The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 100 Number 7

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

You may not want to switch to a "business" credit card. Many of you have recently received offers for a new "business" credit card. The new offer may have some advantages, but it has one big disadvantage - business cards are not subject to all of the new credit card laws that protect consumers.

If you are happy with your current credit card, don't switch.

 Click here for more.

Netflix Earnings Continue to Rise

The popularity of Netflix continues to rise.

For many, Netflix offers an alternative to traditional cable, allowing consumers to enjoy television shows and movies at their own leisure. If the company's revenue is any indication, consumer interest is only growing stronger. In the second quarter, Netflix brought in $1.34 billion in revenue while adding more subscribers on the back of original series like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. In fact, Netflix boasts more than 50 million subscribers worldwide. Shares of the company have soared, going from $0.49 a share to $1.15 a share.

 Click here for more.

Abandon Your Cart for Coupons

As the Consumerist puts it, it would be pretty strange if you abandoned your shopping cart at a retail store only to have an employee attempt to convince you to come back with coupons. When it happens online, however, it can be used to your advantage.

Rather Be Shopping has compiled a list of 17 online stores that will try to coax you in to completing your purchase with coupons when you've abandoned your shopping cart. So, next time you're shopping online, but want to make things a little bit less expensive, give it a shot. After all, you can always complete your purchase later even if you don't receive special discount offers.

From Bass Pro Shops and JC Penny to ProFlowers and Kate Spade, online retailers are anxious to keep your business with a little extra incentive. For a list of seven stores known to lure customers back with coupons,

 Click here for more.

Federal Courts Split on Affordable Care Act

It looks like the Affordable Care Act may head back to the Supreme Court of the United States. This time, the problem involves a provision of the law that allows people who obtained coverage through state exchanges to receive federal subsidies. There is no similar provision for those who sign up through the federal exchange.

Opponents of "Obamacare" insist a lack of specificity makes it illegal for anyone who signed up through the federal exchange to receive subsidies. However, ending the subsidies would completely gut the law.

Within hours of each other, the DC Circuit ruled against the subsidies while the 4th Circuit concluded they are legal and proper.

Will this case make it to the nation's highest court?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

How do expenses impact mutual fund returns?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Debt collector failed to properly verify debt.

The Sixth Circuit discusses the FDCPA’s verification requirement and concludes the collector did not comply. The court reviewed the Act as well as a recent decision and stated that, “The verification provision must be interpreted to provide the consumer with notice of how and when the debt was originally incurred or other sufficient notice from which the consumer could sufficiently dispute the payment obligation.”
Click here for more.


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