The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 95 Number 4

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

When shopping be sure to keep an eye on the register. Don't assume that just because a product is scanned, the amount is correct. Scanners are not always properly programmed to include sales and special deals, and often make errors.

For more general information about the law, check out my website.

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FDA Approves Digestive Camera Pill

A colonoscopy can be expensive, unpleasant, and time consuming. The procedure often requires time away from work and medications that can make patients groggy. However, the benefit of the procedure is immense. A colonoscopy can help a doctor spot cancerous cells and ultimately save a patient's life.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a more pleasant, convenient alternative?

Now there is! The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of a tiny camera pill that patients can swallow. Over the course of about ten hours, the pill takes rapid-fire pictures for the purpose of spotting polyps and other early signs of cancer.

How does it work? See for yourself!

 Click here for more.

College Degree Valued at $17,500 a Year

What's the value of a college degree?

Today, the median salary of a college graduate is $45,500 per year. The median salary for a worker with only a high school diploma is $28,000. The $17,500 gap between high school and college graduate pay is the largest in four generations.

Will the disparity in pay between college and high school graduates continue to grow? Is a college degree absolutely essential for job stability and upward mobility?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

What's the cheapest and easiest way to pay down your debts?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Magnuson-Moss prohibition on binding arbitration does not apply to leases.

The Fourth Circuit held that although the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act prohibits a seller from imposing binding pre-dispute arbitration, the Act applies only to sellers and does not apply to a business that leases consumer goods.
Click here for more.


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