The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 93 Number 4

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

The Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act protects you whenever someone misleads or deceives you.

Beware! This consumer protection law applies to all sellers, including you! Whether you sell at a garage sale, through a classified ad, or on the web, the law applies to you.

Don't say anything misleading or deceptive about what you are selling. It could cost you a substantial amount in damages.

 Click here for more.

NSA Not Only Group Spying On Cell Phones

As it turns out, the National Security Agency (NSA) isn't the only group tracking cell phone information. In fact, recent discoveries reveal the practices are quite common with local police departments. Police departments can retrieve "data dumps," which include large amounts of information spanning identity, activity, and location of any phone that hits the tower. Further, some departments even have a "fake" cell tower, which runs about $400,000. A "fake" tower can trick phones in an area to connect and reveal sensitive information to investigators.

What's the latest on cell phone tracking? Is your local law enforcement agency tracking cell activity?

 Click here for more.

American & US Airways Merger Official

It was a long road filled with obstacles, but the American Airlines and US Airways merger will become official on Monday (today).

Initially, it looked like the effort to form the world's largest airline would fail before it ever got legs. However, after cutting a deal with the Department of Justice and narrowly avoiding a civil complaint from consumers, the merger was cleared to move forward. The concern, of course, comes with the increase in consumer prices when competition in the marketplace is reduced by absorption.

The company will keep the American Airlines name. For now, consumers can continue to book travel with both US Airways and American Airlines.

 Click here for more.

Avoiding the Holiday Hangover

With the holiday season here and shoppers out in full force, it's time to step back and take a look at the future. If you want to avoid a "holiday hangover," it's best to plan ahead. Before you go out and start buying gifts, make sure you're prepared financially.

First, set a budget and stick to it. Shopping without a plan or strategy can be lethal to your bottom line.

Second, use credit carefully. Unless you plan to pay off your credit card on the due date, you may be creating an unnecessary financial burden.

There are many ways you can avoid post-holiday financial pains. Find out some tips, alternative payment methods, and shopping strategies to bring you out of the holiday season with your head above water.

 Click here for more.

Your Money

How is your credit? Estimate your FICO!
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

TILA requires plaintiff seeking rescission must file suit within three-year limitation period.

The Eight Circuit held that a plaintiff seeking rescission must do more than merely give notice within the three years; he must file suit.
Click here for more.


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