The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 91 Number 9

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

A good way to protect yourself when you move out of your apartment is to tell the landlord to keep the security deposit as the last month's rent, right? Wrong! Under Texas law, withholding your last month's rent could result in a penalty of twice the rent plus an additional $100.

 Click here for more.

President Obama Orders Review of NSA

In the midst of continuous leaks concerning the spying activities of the United States National Security Administration, White House officials are said to be giving some countries a heads up of what's to come. The Obama Administration is volunteering the information in an effort to get ahead of the firestorm caused by Edward Snowden.

Some European officials are livid over the NSA's secret and vast data collection programs. Recently, Snowden released documents detailing how the United States government spied on French officials.

According to reports, the Obama Administration is open to "no spy" agreements with some European countries. In the meantime, President Obama has ordered a review of the NSA's controversial programs.

What impact will Snowden's leaks have on international relations?

 Click here for more.

Southwest May Soon Charge for Bags

For Southwest Airlines, the "Bags Fly Free" slogan may soon be a thing of the past. Currently, only some bags fly free on the airline. However, there may soon be a charge for all passenger checked bags. In essence, Southwest officials opened the door to bag fees if they believe consumers desire an "unbundled" approach to airline ticket prices. Specifically, consumers would only pay for those things they value. At the current pricing structure, all prices inherently include the cost of bags spread across all passengers.

Will Southwest Airlines do away with "free" checked bags?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

How much life insurance do you need?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Law school tuition not paid for personal, family or household purpose was primarily for the purpose of operating a business.

The Sixth circuit held that the Michigan Consumer Protection Act did not apply to law school graduates action against law school. The court relied on the students’ complaint that stated they intended to use their law degrees to better themselves, “through the attainment of full-time employment in the legal sector.”
Click here for more.


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