The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 90 Number 7

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Federal law prohibits a debt collector from calling you at work, but only after he knows your employer prohibits such calls. If a debt collector calls you at work, let him know that your employer does not allow such calls and that you assume he will never call again. If the debt collector calls back, he is violated federal law and you could be entitled to a penalty of up to $1,000.

 Click here for more.

Court Says Facebook Like Button Free Speech

According to a federal appellate court in Virginia, the "Like" button on Facebook is protected speech under the First Amendment in certain situations.

The ruling stems from a case involving police officers who were fired for "Liking" another candidate in the sheriff's race. The three judge panel compared the action to displaying a candidate's sign in one's front yard. Long ago, the Supreme Court held that displaying a political candidates sign as substantive (protected) speech under the Constitution.

The appellate court reversed a lower court ruling that found the "Like" button to be "insufficient speech to merit constitutional protection." As a result, the officers were unlawfully fired from their jobs.

Will the officers get their jobs back?

 Click here for more.

Salaries Expected to Increase by 3%

How does your raise stack up against the average?

In 2014, employers are expected to grant employees an average raise of 3%. Just a few years ago, 75% of employers had frozen salaries, offering no raises to employees in order to buffer the impact of the recession. With the economy on the rebound, employees can expect a little more money in the bank every month.

Are raises expected to grow in the coming years? How does the 3% increase stack up against inflation?

 Click here for more.

Apple Introduces iOS7

This week, Apple unveiled its latest operating system. The release has already received incredible attention, with the many iPhone and iPad users marveling at the new features.

Of all the upgrades to the operating system, industry analysts are most impressed by Apple's new Activation Lock technology, which is expected to greatly deter smartphone theft.

iOS 7 marks the most significant change to the iPhone / iPad platform since the introduction of the products years ago. What do you need to know before you upgrade your software?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

What are the advantages of a Coverdell ESA?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

TILA requires plaintiff seeking rescission must file suit within three-year limitation period.

The Eight Circuit held that a plaintiff seeking rescission must do more than merely give notice within the three years; he must file suit.
Click here for more.


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