The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 85 Number 8

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The FBI needs your help tracking down suspects in the Boston bombing. To find out how you can help,
Click here for more.

The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Federal law prohibits a debt collector from calling you at work, but only after he knows your employer prohibits such calls. If a debt collector calls you at work, let him know that your employer does not allow such calls and that you assume he will never call again. If the debt collector calls back, he has violated federal law and you could be entitled to a penalty of up to $1,000.

Want to know more about debt collection?

 Click here for more.

House Passes Controversial CISPA Bill

Have you heard of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) bill?

The bill, which just passed the House by a vote of 248-168, has sparked quite a bit of controversy over individual privacy rights.

According to opponents, the bill is a threat to privacy because it allows companies to share private user or employee information with the government. The bill is especially troubling for those who enjoy social networking.

Proponents insist that the bill is crucial to strengthening national security.

Without significant changes, President Obama says he will veto the bill should it cross his desk.

What is CISPA all about?

 Click here for more.

Make Your Boston Donations Count

Americans from Maine to Hawaii have been touched by the horrible events in Boston. In an effort to help, many have been reaching out to charities to offer assistance. At the same time, scammers have flooded the Internet with bogus charities designed to take advantage of the American spirit.

Make sure your donation counts! Before you give to a charity, make sure it's actually in a position to help!

 Click here for more.

Senate Puts Stop to Gun Legislation

This week, the United States Senate failed to pass legislation designed beef up background checks on gun purchases. As a result, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has pulled the gun control bill from the floor indefinitely. President Obama promptly responded, calling the failure "shameful" and pointing out that 90% of Americans favor stronger gun control laws.

Is the gun control debate over for now? Or, will legislators regroup and try again soon?

 Click here for more.

Your Money

How do return rates affect your retirement income?
 Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

FCRA plaintiff must show actual damages. The Eighth Circuit held that a plaintiff could not pursue a claim under the Fair Credit Reporting Act in the absence of evidence that she suffered actual damages from an allegedly inaccurate criminal background check. Alleging that she suffered emotional distress from an inaccurate report, the plaintiff sued the defendant for violating the FCRA by failing to adopt reasonable procedures to ensure the maximum possible accuracy of its credit reporting. The court held that a consumer must present “competent evidence of actual injury” to state a claim under the FCRA. “[The plaintiff] suffered no physical injury and was not medically treated for any psychological or emotional injury. [The plaintiff] offered no reasonable detail about the nature and extent of her alleged emotional distress. Although [the caseworker] witnessed [the plaintiff] crying during the meeting, corroboration of a brief episode of frustration and unhappiness does not establish the sort of concrete emotional distress that is required to constitute a genuine injury and actual damages,” the court said.
Click here for more.


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