The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 75 Number 9

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

If you have been a victim of identity theft there is a way to make sure it never happens again. Texas law allows you to put a "security freeze" on your credit report, preventing an identity thief from using your information.  Click here for more.

Student Debt Repayment Assistant

Since the 1980's, the cost of tuition has risen by 7.5 percent per year, far outpacing inflation over the same period of time. It should be no surprise then, student loan debt is quickly becoming a huge problem and financial burden for many Americans. Many students are having to borrow six figures to get a college education, yet will still find themselves unable to meet their repayment obligations after graduation.

Are you having trouble meeting your student loan obligations? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has developed the "Student Loan Repayment Assistant" to help you better understand your options. If you have student loans, take a moment to visit the site. Click here for more.

Facebook's Troubles Generating Revenue

Last month, General Motors publicly pulled $10 million in Facebook advertising. Why? According to an analyst from Enderle Group, the advertisements weren't irritating enough. In short, advertisers don't feel like they're getting their money's worth because Facebook isn't doing enough to grab the attention of its users. Recently, Facebook attempted to use the unique "Sponsored Story" feature to accelerate advertising revenue. Several consumers banded together and went after the company for using a user's likeness to grab other users' attention. Last week, Facebook agreed to change its practices and pay $10 million to charity to settle the dispute. As a result, Facebook must again balance user satisfaction against its need to generate revenue. Facebook has the largest community of people on the planet. How can it monetize the community while still respecting the privacy of its users?  Click here for more.

Unemployment By State

The national unemployment rate stands at around 8%. Although the national unemployment rate has remained high since the recession, many states are doing quite well. North Dakota led the nation with a 3% unemployment rate, while Nevada came in last at 11.6%. How does your state stack up? Click here for more.

Your Money

The average cost of a used car is less than 1/2 the price of the average new car. Which is right for you? Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Express warranty requires privity. The Fifth Circuit held a claim against a manufacturer for breach of express warranty requires that the affirmation or promise be made to the plaintiff. Click here for more.


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