The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 75 Number 6

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Be careful with financial information in your house. A large percentage of identity theft is committed by relatives and household employees. Don't leave credit card statements, bank statements, and social security information where anyone can see it.
 Click here for more.

Hacked Companies Fight Back

Every day, it seems like another company is dealing with a major security problem. Sony, LinkedIn, and eHarmony are just a few of the recent sites to suffer devastating data leaks. Although many companies are simply frustrated with their inability to prevent hackers from accessing their systems, some companies are taking a proactive, but controversial, approach to dealing with the problem. Once a company detects a security breach, it can waste the hackers time with "fake" sensitive information. Once the hacker takes the "fake" files, a beacon will then install on the hackers own machine, allowing the company to track and identify the hacker's activity. Why is this approach so controversial? Is it legal? Click here for more.

Facebook Settles Suit for $10M

Starting in early 2011, Facebook allowed companies to pay to re-transmit ads from a user's page to his friend's pages based entirely on that user's preferences. Some Facebook users grouped together and sued Facebook for using their images for commercial activity. It now appears the two sides have come to an agreement. Under the settlement, $10 million will be given to charity. Will users get anything? Did you ever click on or LIKE "sponsored stories" on Facebook? Click here for more.

Your Money

Should you refinance your car at a lower rate? Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Parties can waive arbitration notwithstanding a no waiver clause. The Sixth Circuit affirmed a district court's finding that the defendant had waived its right to arbitration by participating in litigation for eight months. Click here for more.


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