The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 68 Number 11

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Are you responsible for your friend's misuse of your credit card? As far as the law is concerned, this matter is between you and your friend. When you authorize another person to use your credit card, you became responsible for whatever amount she charges. The fact that she kept the card longer than you expected, or charged more than you thought she would, does not matter. You owe the amount of the charge. Click here for more.

Record Black Friday Weekend

This year, total spending over the Black Friday weekend reached a record $52.4 billion. Last year, the long weekend following Thanksgiving produced $45 billion in total spending. A record 226 million consumers went shopping on Black Friday weekend, with the average shopping spending $398.62. This year, many shops opened much earlier than previous years. The move proved popular among shoppers, particularly men. Holiday shopping will now continue with Cyber Week (previously referred to as "Cyber Monday").  Click here for more.

Cyber Monday Sales Expected to Soar

Did you miss out on Black Friday weekend deals? You're in luck! Cyber Week (Cyber Monday) will offer you another opportunity to take advantage of some big deals from the comfort of your home or office, or on the go! Since 2006, Cyber Monday has gone from the 12th-biggest online shopping day to the top online shopping day of the year. How can you take advantage of Cyber Week (Cyber Monday) deals? Click here for more.

Latest: AT&T and T-Mobile Merger Not Dead

For the past eight months, AT&T and T-Mobile have been attempting to complete a merger to create the largest U.S. wireless carrier. The Federal Communications Commission called for a hearing to investigate the merger, prompting AT&T to pull its request, saying it is no longer seeking approval for the merger from the FCC. AT&T then set aside $4 billion to cover the break-up fee it will owe T-Mobile if the merger fails. Why isn't the merger dead just yet? Click here for more.

Your Money

Qualified plans: What is your current year required minimum distribution? Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Fair Credit Billing Act does not require reliance and authorizes multiple awards of statutory damages. The Ninth Circuit held that a consumer under the FCBA may recovery actual damages without proof of reliance. Unlike claims under Truth in Lending, the conduct prohibited by the FCBA does require detrimental reliance to establish damages. The court also held that multiple violations of the FCBA may result in multiple awards of statutory damages. Click here for more.


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