The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 66 Number 9

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Ticket scalping is legal in Texas, but be careful. Buying tickets online or from someone you do not know can be dangerous. Use common sense. If the deal looks to good too be true it probably isn't. Buy from a reputable businesses or someone you know, and use a credit card to protect yourself in case you get scammed.  Click here for more.

Scam: Red Light Camera Ticket Collection

Red light cameras are everywhere these days. Most major cities have them. Even small cities are jumping on board. If you were asked to pay a fine for running a red light, would you even try to challenge it? A new group of scammers is banking on the belief that you won't. How does it work? The scam artist will simply call people at random and inform them that they are delinquent on red light traffic tickets. They threaten significant late fees, a court case, and even jail time. The catch? They can't do any of those things. The tickets aren't real and they're just trying to take your money. If you receive a phone call from a "police officer," followup with the city first and make sure you owe a legitimate fine. Click here for more.

iPhone 5 Announcement Expected Oct 4

It appears the next big day in Apple history will be October 4, 2011. According to numerous reports, Apple plans to unveil the next generation of its popular iPhone, the iPhone 5 in a special news event. If you're planning to upgrade your phone, you may want to wait just a little bit longer. The iPhone 5 is expected to offer more options and be significantly faster than its predecessors.  Click here for more.

Packaged Foods: 8 Red Flag Words

The FDA regulates almost everything you read on your food labels. When you purchase a box of cereal or a microwave dinner, the words written on the box become much like a contract between you and the manufacturer. However, there will likely be some package proclamations that will make you scratch your head. Are they true? Most manufacturers have lawyers help craft terminology that straddles the line of legality. What are eight buzzwords you should look for? What do they really mean? Click here for more.

Your Money

College: Should you live on campus, off campus, or at home? Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Passenger may sue airline over frequent flier program. The Ninth Circuit held that Federal aviation law does not preempt a passenger's claim against an airline for a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. Click here for more.


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