The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 62 Number 2

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Child support is not set in stone. If there has been a substantial change in circumstances, either party may go back to court and ask that the order be modified.  Click here for more.

Beware: Bin Laden Phishing Scams

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Now, cybercriminals have begun a string of attacks on people searching the internet for news on the terrorist leader. For example, if an internet user searches Google for "Osama Bin Laden," many of the results will actually lead to malicious pages. Facebook could be even more dangerous, allowing friends to share malicious links. By making a few simple clicks, you've already turned your personal information over to the cybercriminals and you probably won't even notice. How can you identify a malicious page? Click here for more.

Chase Eliminates $5 ATM Fees

Earlier this year, Chase started a program to test $5 ATM fees for non-customers. On Monday, Chase announced it finished testing and will now return to its previous fee of $3. The bank was testing a $5 fee in Illinois and a $4 fee in Texas. Not surprisingly, consumers didn't like the initial change. Are $5 ATM fees in your future? Click here for more.

Short Sales: The Pros & Cons

Do you know what a short sale is? If you're like most people, you've probably heard a friend or family member mention it before, but didn't quite understand what it meant or how it worked. It isn't a foreclosure. It isn't a regular sale. A short sale is something in-between the two, yet very different from both. If you can find a short sale (which can be difficult), you can get a great deal on a home. However, short sales are notorious for taking a very long time to close. Are you in the market for a home? What is a short sale? How can you find one? What are the pros and cons? Click here for more.

Your Money

What is your return on a whole life insurance policy? Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Bankruptcy debtor must pay fees to cure mortgage default. The Sixth Circuit held that a Chapter 13 debtor was required to pay fees and costs as part of curing an arrearage on her home mortgage. Click here for more.


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