The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 60 Number 5

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

If you buy something and the contract has a clause that says you agree to arbitrate, you will not be allowed to sue and must file your claim with an arbitrator. Arbitration is often more expensive than a simple lawsuit, denies you the right to a jury trial or an appeal, is not bound by traditional rules of procedure, and often precludes you from filing or joining a class action. To learn more about consumer arbitration. Click here for more.

Report: FAA to Remove Oxygen Masks from Airplane Lavatories

A new rule has been made public by the FAA dictating that emergency oxygen masks must be removed from airplane lavatories. Officially called Air Worthiness Directive 2011-04-09, the FAA delayed the release of its contents "as a matter of national security." The directive, which affects 6,000 commercial passenger planes, instructs airlines to ensure no air will flow through the oxygen masks in the lavatory. Now, in the event of rapid decompression, passengers in the lavatory will be in significant danger. Why did the FAA decide to remove the oxygen masks? Click here for more.

5 Things to Consider Before Buying iPad 2

Are you buying in to the hype for the iPad 2? With the release of the new Apple tablet on the way, many consumers are wondering whether to make the purchase, or simply wait. The iPad 2 is a dramatic upgrade over the original iPad, both in speed and features. However, the iPad 2 release is only a few short months before the Summer rollout of numerous competing tablets. Also, there are already rumors the next installment of the iPad (the iPad 3) is less than a year away. What should you consider before you pull the trigger? Click here for more.

Recall: Ground Beef Infected With E-Coli

Over 14,000 pounds of ground beef has been recalled due to concerns over potential E. Coli contamination. The tainted beef, from Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, may be repackaged in consumer-size packages and sold under different retail brand names. For a list of affected beef products, Click here for more.

Your Money

What will it take to become a millionaire?  Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

Phone bill debts subject to Texas four-year statute of limitations. The Fifth Circuit held that state law governs the collection of debts arising out of a phone bill. The parties disputed whether actions to collect debts based on mobile phone bills are governed by a two-year statute of limitations under the Federal Communication Act (FCA) or a four-year statute of limitations under Texas law. The court concluded that § 415(a) of the FCA does not apply to the plaintiffs' debts, because Congress has not made clear that it intended for § 415(a) to preempt state statutes of limitations with respect to actions to collect debts like those at issue. Click here for more.


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