The People's Lawyer Consumer News Alert
Center for Consumer Law
  Volume 33 Number 2

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The People’s Lawyer’s Tip of the Day

Don't assume you're anonymous. Web sites can track your browsing activities. Read the companies e-business's privacy policy before you type in any personal information. Look for opportunities to "opt-out" of letting the company send you marketing communications or share your personal information with others.  Click here for more.

Windows 7 - The "Best" Windows Ever

It looks like Microsoft might be giving up on Vista. After shelling out $300 million in advertising money, Microsoft looks ready to move on. At the Venetian Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Microsoft unveiled the new and "improved" Windows 7. According to the executives, Windows 7 is the "best Windows ever." As Apple continues to push Microsoft as a strong competitor, will the new operating system help or hurt the software giant? Click here for more.

Obama Wants a Stimulus Now

The President-elect warned of the immediate need to push large amount of money in to the economy. His request had an urgent tone - do it now or things will get dramatically worse. Obama addressed the public, indicating he hopes Congress will have something ready for him to sign when he takes office at the end of the month. Can you expect congress to act on Obama's concerns? Click here for more.

Obama Team Asks for Delay in DTV Switch

A mere 41 days before the nation is supposed to go totally digital, President-elect Obama asked congress to take action to delay the transition. Worried about elderly, low-income, and rural Americans, Obama says that support for a transition is "woefully inadequate." In fact, the $40 coupons the Government provide consumers to help with the transition have just about run out. Furthermore, many American's aren't completely educated on the transition, what it entails, and how to implement it in their own home. Will the analog age continue after all? Click here for more.

Your Money

How much will Social Security provide after retirement? Click here for more.

For the Lawyers

New Jersey Supreme Court rules lawyers may not be prohibited from using “super lawyer” in advertising. The New Jersey Supreme Court has vacated an ethics opinion precluding attorneys from using their status in the "Super Lawyers" or "Best Lawyers in America" listings in their advertising. In a per curium opinion, the court noted, "state bans on truthful, fact-based claims in lawful advertising could be ruled unconstitutional when the state fails to establish that the regulated claims are actually or inherently misleading." Click here for more.


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