Landlord's Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip

Dear Landlord:

On (fill in date) I moved out of the house/apartment that I was renting from you. As our lease agreement provided, I gave proper notice and left the apartment in good condition. I was also current in my rent.

When I moved in, I paid a security deposit of (amount). You have not returned my deposit as the law requires. Under this law, a landlord must refund a security deposit or send written notice of the reason it is be withheld within 30 days after the tenant vacates the property.

Unless I receive my security deposit from you within a reasonable time, intend to go to small claims court. I should tell you that if I do go court, I may be entitled to three times the amount of my deposit plus $100.

Thank you for your expected cooperation in this matter. If you need to reach me, my present address is: (street address).


(sign your name)